Joel Marcey
Director of Technology @ Rust Foundation 🦀
Current Employment
Rust Foundation, Director of Technology, February 2022 - PresentSupporting the technology and engineering programs and initiatives of the Rust Foundation. (@rust_foundation)One of the first four staff of the Rust Foundation; in on the ground floor.
Languages: Rust, JavaScript, Hack, PHP, C#, C++, Python
Frameworks: React, Docusaurus
Development Environments: Visual Studio Code, GitHub
Operating Systems: OS X, Linux
Source Control: Git, Mercurial
Documentation Formats: Markdown
Industry Standards Experience
Rust Foundation, April 2021 - February 2022:Facebook representative on the Rust Foundation, with a mission to enable Rust maintainers to improve and grow the Rust programming language more efficientlyBoard memberServed on two committee - executive and governanceOpen Web Docs, April 2021 - Present:Facebook representative on Open Web Docs, with a mission to provide complete, quality and free web documentation to developers world wide.Governing Committee memberEcma International, September 2000 – September 2006, September 2009 - December 2012, December 2019 - February 2022:Vice-President for 2020-2021Facebook representative of Ecma from December 2019 to December 2021Chair of Ecma TC49, Programming Languages from 2020-2021.Official Editor of the Ecma TC49-TG3 CLI Standard Specification. 6th edition approved by Ecma in June 2012. Published in ISO (as its 3rd edition) in February 2012.Former chair of TC39/TC49, the technical committee responsible for the standardization of programming languages and systems. This includes the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) programming environment and C# programming language, in addition to Managed C++, Eiffel and EcmaScript.Former convener of TC49-TG3, the technical group responsible for the standardization of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). Drove the CLI specification to two successful Ecma and ISO approvals.Working member of the TC49-TG2 (C#) and TC49-TG3 (CLI) technical groups.Technical Editing Consultant and Contributor for Ruby, January 2011 – March 2011Hired to review and improve the original Ruby Language standard specification. The specification has since been submitted and approved by ISO JTC 1 / SC22.Technical Editing Consultant and Contributor for UOML, April 2010 – October 2010Hired to dramatically improve the original OASIS UOML (Unstructured Operation Markup Language) standard specification for a ballot resolution meeting (BRM) in the ISO JTC 1 / SC 34 (Document Description and Processing Languages). While it barely did not pass for standardization, the specification was highly praised for its editorial improvement from the original submission.Technical Editing Consultant for an Ecma and ISO standardized specification called OOXML (Office Open XML), October 2007 – March 2008
Previous Work Experience
Facebook/Meta, April 2015 - February 2022
Developer AdvocateA developer advocate on Facebook's open source team.Ecosystem lead with prominent participation in high impact foundations and standards organizations including the Rust Foundation, Open Web Docs and Ecma.I help grow and enable the Facebook Open Source program to provide the highest value to the developer community. One of the longest tenured members of the Facebook Open Source team.Co-creator and maintainer of Docusaurus, a popular website framework used by hundreds and hundreds.Facebook, Contractor, March 2013 – March 2015
Technical Writer and HackerTechnical writer and hacker on the programming languages and tools team, focusing on the HHVM runtime and the Hack programming language.Created and maintained the Hack and HHVM documentation.Wrote, in Hack, the initial code for testing PHP frameworks on HHVM.Lead member in the creation of both the PHP and Hack language specifications.Top 20 contributor for the HHVM codebase on GitHub.Twin Roots, Owner (Self-Employed), January 2008 – March 2015
Consultant, Contractor and DeveloperContracted at Facebook, working on Hack and HHVM.Developed and launched Programming Classroom, a learning service geared towards programmers.Developed and launched Kicker Last, a fantasy football website.Editor of the Ecma TC49-TG3 CLI Specification.Primary reviewer of the Ruby Language specification.Consulting and associate editor for the OASIS UOML specification from April 2010 to October 2010.Editing consultant from December 2008 to March 2009 updating documentation for Microsoft Accessibility technologies, including adding documentation to Wikipedia.Lead editor from March 2008 to June 2008 on developing an initial draft of a formal Accessibility specification for Microsoft from information gathered by Microsoft throughout many years.Consulted for Microsoft from October 2007 to March 2008 on an Ecma, and now ISO, standardized technical specification called Office Open XML (OOXML).Maintained Twin Roots, a self-funded technology consulting and software development company.RFMD, October 2006 – October 2007
Sr. Software EngineerHelped design and maintain a company-wide used software system that allows engineers and marketing to view, report and graph data associated with the design and testing of RFMD’s hardware parts. This system utilized Microsoft technologies such as Visual Basic .NET, C# and SQL Server 2005.Intel Corporation, June 1997 – September 2006
International Standards RepresentativePrimary representative in Intel’s participation in the standardization of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and C# within Ecma and ISO, internationally recognized standards organizations.Sr. Software Design and Development Engineer (.NET)Helped establish and contributed to a joint research project with Microsoft Corporation to research how to better enable .NET Framework based applications on Intel microprocessor architectures.Architected and developed software tools, using C#, from automating the generation of stub source code for open-source development to automating the creation of readable Microsoft Word documentation out of XML for the Ecma Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) class libraries.Technical lead in the development of a C#-based, open-source, class library, called OCL, based upon the Ecma-335/ISO Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard.Product ManagerManaged the release, support and vendor relationship of Intel’s Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) products.Managed the technical strategy for choosing and implementing Intel’s next generation corporate ETL product.Java Software EngineerDeveloped internal web based applications and reusable components.Technical lead in the evaluation, selection and support of the standard Java environments used within Intel.
External Publications and Works
Wrote the foreword and contributed technical content for the .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference: Volume 1 written by Brad Abrams, Microsoft CorporationContributed technical content, including sample code, for the .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference: Volume 2 written by Brad Abrams, Microsoft CorporationContributed technical and editorial content to the Ecma and ISO Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard specifications
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 1992 - 1997GPA 3.762Graduated Summa cum Laude with a B.S. in Computer Engineering
Names of excellent references available on request.